VASAKA | Medicinal use of VASAKA

Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Justicia 

Species: J. adhatoda
Common name: Adulsa (Vasaka)
Kingdom: Plantae
Description: It is evergreen shrub about 2.2-3.5 meters high, wich have long leaves and white flowers in axillary spike.The plants grown in mainly India except the mountain region.
Characteristic:They are long, dark green in color.cattle and other animals can not eat the plants as the plant VASAKA contain unpleasant smell from it.

Medicinal use of VASAKA:
Leaves and flowers are both used medicinally.for treating asthma and cough the juice of leaves of VASAKA is given orally.It has an active constituent namely vasacine, which is brancho-dialator in nature,that can be used for treating Asthma.Most of the ayurvedic preparation of cough syrup contain the juice extracted from VASAKA plants.leaves are used as green manur, and for packing purposes.


  1. Botanical Name :- Adhatoda Vasica . Dear Pharmacist..It is a good post. I visited this blog in search of botanical name of vasaka. why don't you include,,is it not in the syllabus?

  2. Thanks to @VASAKA for sharing this most important information

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